Oil Price Dynamics Report (Discontinued) - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

Oil Price Dynamics Report (Discontinued)

This research product was launched in May 2016 and discontinued in November 2023.

The Oil Price Dynamics Report used a statistical model and a range of financial variables to identify the demand and supply factors influencing observed changes in oil prices. It also identified a residual, or the weekly change unexplained by the sum of the estimated demand and supply factors. The report tracked changes in the price of Brent crude oil and presented the estimated contributions of each component to those price fluctuations. The report was launched as a regular weekly product in 2016, with PDF charts and downloadable data. It changed to a biweekly update schedule with an interactive chart feature in early 2023.

For more information on the product and its evolution over time, see these Liberty Street Economics posts from 2013, 2015, and 2016.


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